About us

To state the obvious, we are a group of home-educating families living in and around Taunton in Somerset.

As a group, we arrange regular social meetings, educational workshops, and days out to offer support and friendship to those within the home-ed community. The children currently range in age from a few  months to 8 years old with a good mix of girls and boys - older children are of course welcome.

The group is run by home educating parents for the benefit of their children. This approach allows a friendly and relaxed atmosphere but does require parents to take part in planning, organising and clearing up after the group. If you or your child/children are interested in certain topics please feel free to share with the group and we will try to accommodate. Likewise if you have a skill that you would like to share with the group please let us know.

If you are interested in coming along to one of our events or just wish to find out more about home-education, please send an email using the link below: