Thursday, 4 October 2012

Bread making

This week we had a go at making bread together.

The children loved using the mill to grind wheat, some of them did it for ages!

They took turn in adding ingredients to the bowl.

Laura also brought some natural yeast so we could have a smell!

They also took turn in mixing the ingredients.

Then they took a bit of dough each and watched the expert in action!

before having a go themselves at kneading.

There was also some serious writing and drawing going on!

You've got to love these ;)

Finally after leaving the bread dough to rise more, the children shaped their own little loaves, 

and waited for them to bake.

and here are the results, which were greatly enjoyed by everyone in the park, mmmm . . . 

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thank you Mathilde. These are beautiful photos of a wonderful activity. It powered so many imaginations and met so many needs...