
Here are some ways you can help Taunton Home Education Group:

  • Come & join us for our weekly meetings (well, obviously!)
  • Tell your friends about us, advertise the group; the more, the merrier!
  • Put some leaflets/cards (to be done soon!) in libraries & other places
  • Tell us about events happening in & around Taunton, so we can share the information here
  • Help keep this blog up-to-date
  • Share your own & your children's interests, knowledge & skills: volunteer to organise a little activity some week
  • Keep an eye on Freecycle, charity shops & car boot sales for (very cheap) games, books, art & crafts supplies or anything you think could be useful for the group.
  • Collect natural material for craft sessions (pinecones, acorns, feathers, corks, seeds etc)