Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Last meeting of August

Today we enjoyed another walk in Fyne Court.

We braved a field with no bull in sight, and spent a lot of time climbing spectacular trees. We very luckily avoided a wasp nest (which stung some other children later on :-((( we all hope they're ok now).

The children also loved swinging on a tree swing brought by Christina, and unfortunately... playing with (slightly too short) sticks and with ... (fresh) cow pat! (withheld photographic evidence ;-) )

Then, a little dip in the stream, and a picnic in the courtyard, with regular visits to "the secret garden". All rounded up with more tree climbing, and playing "mummy, daddy and their two babies" for quite a long time!

Looking forward to September now, with more meetings in Fyne Court, our first Not Back To School Picnic on the 20th and our first meeting back in a village hall on the 27th.

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