Friday, 21 December 2012

Christmas party

Here are some photos from our end of year party.

Lots of delicious food was shared.

Christmas books were read.

Pin the nose on the snowman was played.

As well as other games involving balloons, and chocolate!

See you all in 2013!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Snow globes experiments

This week we had some very funny songs and a poem over lunchtime, and then we settled down to do some drawing and make paper snowflakes.

We also tried to make snow globes! Jam jars, little figurines, glitter, water and glycerine. Some of them worked... for a while, until they all leaked everywhere...

Others were very short lived ...

We then went out in the park for some fresh (freezing!) air, and the children had fun running and playing and cutting chunks of ice.

Next week is the last session of the year, and we're having a little Christmas party! Looking forward to seeing lots of you!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Printing and games

This week, we had great fun trying out different kinds of printing techniques.

We used carved potatoes for potato prints, and various sponges and paints, and apple halves.

We also used some cardboard shapes and black ink.

Finally we had a go at monoprinting "a form of printmaking that has images or lines that can only be made once, unlike most printmaking, where there are multiple originals."

While waiting for our prints to dry, we played lots of games together.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Thanksgiving activities

Today Laura, from California, showed us how to make brown paper bag trees for Thanksgiving.

We also had a big roll of brown paper on the floor to do some drawing together, trace hands etc.
And the littlies enjoyed playing with puzzles, dominoes ...

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Making instruments

This week we made noise music together!
We listened to some drums, had a go at various instruments, and made our own maracas and bell shakers.
We even filled some balloons with a few beans and rice, and they made a great sound (until they popped!)
The children had fun as usual, and enjoyed chasing each other in our spacious hall.