Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Spooky Spiders & Perfect Pumpkins!

It was a relatively quiet week at our Home Education group this week, partly due to holidays and partly due to some cold bugs doing the rounds, but we still had a lovely time.

This week, as it is Hallowe'en next week, the children made spiders out of pipe cleaners (some of them made out of black pipe-cleaners looked a little too realistic for me!)  They also made 'pumpkin' tea-light holders from glass jars, orange tissue paper and lots and lots of glue.  There was also plenty of time for outside play and apple-eating.

As the weather was so lovely and sunny we also went for a walk up at Fyne Court, where we looked at the ever-popular pigs, played the musical instrument and played hide & seek, making it back to the cars just before the rain started.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Autumn leaves

Our meeting last week was a usual mixture of crafts, play and chatting.
We had a go at making leaf rubbings, leaf crowns and masks.
The children also enjoyed playing games with a parachute and ball, playing tag and making the most of the little park by the hall.
And as usual it was lovely being able to chat with other parents who have made the choice to educate their children outside of school. It can be a lonely path at times, and a group like this one really helps us feel part of a community!


Sunday, 16 October 2011

Dancing with wands

This week we welcomed some new members, the little village hall was quite busy! We had a session centered around music, and we made some wind wands with wooden rings and ribbons, and tin drums, with empty tins and ballons. There was a lot of dancing & running around, the children especially enjoyed the slippery wooden floor. They also played outside for quite a while as this hall has a nice big garden at the back.

Usual warm-up drawing

Making wind wands

Dancing with the wands

Making the most of the equipment available!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Acorns and conkers

Our second meeting in a village hall had a definite autumnal feel to it. It was raining finely, and about half the temperature of the previous day!

Armed with a glue gun, a drill and lots of acorns, conkers, beech nuts, pinecones, sycamore seeds, some googly eyes and a bit of glittery glue and golden paint, we set about making some little people/animals/fairies and necklaces.

If you have some leftover material and are unsure what to do with it all, check out this page full of great ideas.
A bit of warm-up drawing

Drilling with a smile ;-)


Smiling proudly

Beautiful princess, fairy and animals

Love the prickly shield, and the acorn hat toes Alex insisted on having for his conkers man to stand on

After the session, some of us went for a little walk in Fyne Court. We enjoyed playing this new natural instrument,

and said hello to the three resident pigs.

Monday, 3 October 2011

First autumn meeting

The last Tuesday of September was our first meeting back in a village hall. The weather was gorgeous, and so we enjoyed the little park next to the hall.

Ruth and Ida had brought some apples from their garden and some raisins for us all to make baked apples. Mmmmmmm can find a similar recipe here.

Afterwards the children enjoyed some crafty time with glittery bits and pieces as well as sticky butterflies, dragonflies and flowers. Thanks Naomi ;-)